Meeting Update - April 2020

We have not been able to meet in person, due to the impact of COVID-19. We have been getting creative virtually however and have been writing limericks.

Karen Highway

There was a young lady called Jo
Who thought she would give WI a go
She found it fulfilling and actually quite thrilling
With baking and tassel shaking hardly a sin and forging new friendships over a tipple of gin.

Sue Webb

There once was a man call Boris,
Who was thought of a bit of a Doris
Fighting Covid was strong
Proving this virus all wrong
Three cheers, Hip Horray for Boris

Pamela Golton

As a member of the Wi
You are greater women than I
You’re a lovely bunch
and cook a great lunch
You talented ladies my my !   

Kerry Sawyer

When going out became a sin
The WI took it on the chin
They didn’t flap
They used WhatsApp
And all said thank you to Sharon, Karen and Lyn.

Liz Perry

Those ladies of Hinton and Dyrham
Clapped proudly on Thursdays to cheer em
We love our NHS they loudly confess
But Doynton and Wick cannot hear em!

Sharon Sasada

We love to drink wine in the Women’s Institute
And when the virus disrupts the supply route
We need to be calm
Not raise the alarm
Our friends can provide a substitute !

Lyn Berard

There was a young lady called Jess
Who worked for the NHS,
It is because of her kind heart,
that we stay two metres apart,
so that we all get out of this mess!

Jackie Offer

There was a WI group from Leeds
Who ate some packets of seeds
In less than an hour
Their boobs were in flower
And their bums were covered in weeds

Carol Thomas

Our WI is on hold
As we stay at home and do as we are told
No more meetings in a room
Instead it is now held on zoom
Our NHS is short of PPE’s
As they are obtained from overseas
Exercise is allowed
Two metre rule, not in a crowd
Children can not go out to play
Oh! I wish this virus would go away

Joanna Walsh

The WI  of Hinton and Dyrh-em
Wanted to set up a Har-em
Though the men were afraid
If they appeared too staid
The ladies would no longer love-eem

Jackie Offer

WI’s from Hinton to Leeds
Are all eating packets of seeds
In less than an hour
Their boobs were in flower
And their bums were covered in weeds

Blair Sasada